How to Identify a Leaking Pool

How to Identify a Leaking Pool

Are you noticing that keeping your swimming pool at a regular and consistent temperature is harder? Or is it more challenging to keep the chlorine circulating? Have you noticed a dip in water pressure?

Leaking pools can eat away at profits, destroying any hope you have of turning a profit after managing operating costs. Getting a proper handle on your pool’s leakage will ensure you know how to address leaking pool issues and how to prevent them.

Fortunately, we’ve provided several methods to help you identify any leaks and what you can do to repair them. Let’s take a look!

Check Your Water Level Regularly

It is essential to check the water level regularly. If you notice a decrease in water level, it is an indication that there is a pool leaking problem.

You can determine the rate of water loss by marking the water level with a piece of tape and checking it after 24 hours. You might have a leak if the water level has dropped by over a quarter inch.

Check for Wet Spots Around the Pool

If you notice wet spots around the pool or the pool equipment, it might indicate that water is escaping from your pool. This could be due to a leaking pipe, pool filter, pump, or the pool shell itself. Hiring a pool repair technician can help identify the source of the leak and have it fixed.

Look for Cracks

Cracks on the pool wall or floor can be another sign of a leak. If you notice any cracks in the pool shell, it is vital to have them repaired as soon as possible. Cracks can be caused by ground movement or even age, causing water to escape from your pool.

Perform a Bucket Test

A bucket test can help determine if your pool is leaking or if water loss is due to evaporation. To start, fill a bucket with water and mark the water level.

Place the bucket on the first or second step of your pool. Ensure that the water level in the bucket is the same as the pool level.

After 24 hours, compare the water level in the bucket with the pool water level. If the pool water level has dropped more than the water level in the bucket, you may have a pool leak.

What to Do if You Have a Leaking Pool

If you have identified that your pool is leaking, it is crucial to take action immediately. The longer you wait, the more damage your pool can cause. Get a suitable pool and spa leak detection service.

Some common pool leak repair methods include epoxy patching, plumbing repairs, and pool shell resurfacing. Depending on the severity of the leak, the pool repair technician will recommend the most appropriate repair method.

Keep Your Pool in Great Shape

A leaking pool must be identified and fixed promptly to prevent further water and financial losses. If you are uncertain about the source of a leak, contact a professional for a thorough inspection.

With the knowledge and tips in this article, you can confidently identify a leaking pool and take the necessary steps to protect your investment.

Don’t delay – take action now to ensure your pool remains in perfect condition.

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