7 Integral Cleaning Duties You Mustn’t Overlook

The US homeownership rate stayed at around 64%, and cleaning your home is an essential task that you should often do. It ensures a healthy and safe living environment!

While some cleaning tasks may seem more important than others, there are cleaning duties that you must pay attention to. These tasks keep your home clean and tidy and help maintain its longevity.

Here are seven integral cleaning duties that you should prioritize!

1. Dusting

Dusting is an essential weekly cleaning duty that often goes unnoticed. Dust can accumulate on furniture, shelves, and floors, causing allergies and respiratory problems.

Dusting should be part of your regular cleaning rituals. Doing it using a microfiber cloth or a duster every week or two is ideal. Focus on dust-collecting areas like window sills, blinds, and baseboards.

2. Vacuuming

Vacuuming is another routine cleaning duty that should be a part of your daily chores, especially if you have carpets or rugs. Vacuuming removes dirt and debris from your floors and helps reduce allergens and dust mites. Make sure to clean all the corners and edges of your rooms, as these areas often need to be addressed.

3. Cleaning the Kitchen

The kitchen is another area that requires regular cleaning to maintain hygiene. There are a lot of places and things to clean in the kitchen. Make a cleaning checklist to make the process easier for you.

Appliances like the refrigerator, microwave, and oven must also be kept clean. Clean the sink and dishwasher and empty the trash. Scrub any stubborn or persistent stains and sanitize surfaces to ensure a germ-free environment.

4. Wiping Down Surfaces

Pay attention to high-touch areas, including door handles, kitchen appliances, faucets, and countertops. Use a microfiber cloth and a proper cleaning agent to remove dirt, dust, and grime.

All-purpose cleaners are also helpful in getting rid of spills, fingerprints, and smudges on walls and other surfaces. Disinfect these areas, and use slow, repetitive motions to reach each crevice, corner, and groove. It’s the best way to remove the built-up residue!

5. Washing Beddings and Linens

Wash bedding and linens often to remove dirt, sweat, and bacteria. That is particularly important for items such as pillows, which can harbor dust mites and cause allergies. Wash bedding and linens in hot water to ensure that all germs and bacteria are eliminated.

6. Cleaning the Floors

Floors can quickly accumulate dirt, debris, and dust, making them look dull and unclean. Regular cleaning of floors, whether sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming, can help maintain their appearance and longevity.

7. Cleaning the Bathroom

The bathroom is a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Leaving it as it is can cause illnesses and infections. Regular bathroom cleaning is best for maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases.

Clean and disinfect the sink and toilet, scrub the tub and shower, and wipe down the walls and tiles. All these areas are more prone to bacterial growth, and it’s best to sanitize all countertops and surfaces. You should also pay close attention to tile grout lines when scrubbing. 

Keep You Home Clean and Tidy Through These Core Cleaning Duties

Follow these core cleaning duties to maintain a clean and healthy living environment! These include dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen!

Remember to wipe down surfaces, clean the floors, and wash your bedding and linens! By focusing on these tasks, you can ensure that your home is clean and tidy. At the same time, you can guarantee a safe and hygienic environment for you and your family.

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